March 23, 2012

Basic white loaf bread: $4.0 for one loaf (appox 8*4.5*4.5 inch)

The white loaf bread is basic as well as classic.

I decided to make this basic bread yesterday because I suddenly wanted to have the thick toasted bread. In Taiwan, the loaf bread can be sliced thin or thick. The thick one is perfect with peanut butter or garlic butter. Just need to smear the peanut butter or garlic butter, toast it in the oven, and ding done! Of course you can do the same thing to the thin sliced bread but I just feel more satisfied with the thick sliced bread. And  that is my husband's breakfast today too. :)


Bread flour, whole wheat flour, egg, sugar, 2% organic milk, salt, unsalted butter, and yeast

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