April 29, 2012

Taro pudding cake: $24.0 for one cake (8 inch)

Taro pudding cake is one kind of cake that I love a lot. The creamy taro paste, the soft pudding and the perfect sweetness of whipped cream just make this cake wonderful. The cake is even tastier after one night in the refrigerator as the cake absorts the moisture from the pudding, taro paste mixture and the whipped cream.


Cake flour, eggs, milk, whipped cream, sugar, salt, oil, lemon juice, taro, unsalted butter, brown sugar, vanilla syrup,  peach and strawberry

April 22, 2012

Banana bread: $6.0 for eight bread

Oh yes, again, my favorite bananas! :-D

This banana bread is completely different from the banana "loaf" bread that you can find in the U.S. These are individual banana bread, the size of which is more similar to the size of dinner rolls. The other difference is: there is no butter added in the dough of these banana bread. Yup, No butter. The only butter you  can find is as garnish on top of the bread and they are melted when the bread is baked in the oven. Some powder sugars were used as garnish too.

Even though no butter is used in the bread, the banana has added enough fat and moist to make the bread soft and good. These are the "tropical" bread!


Bread flour, whole wheat flour, cake flour, condensed milk, milk, yeast, salt, unsalted butter, powder sugar, flaxseed, wheat germ, and bananas

Blueberry muffins: $11.0 for six muffins

I like blueberry muffins as they are not that sweet. However, I was little worried when I made the batch because the amount is larger (I usually make only 6 muffins) but they turned out pretty well. I especailly love the lemon flavor in this muffins. It is refreshing!

Look at the amount of blueberries in the muffin! Don't you get excited?! :P


All-purpose flour, eggs, baking powder,baking soda, unsalted butter, salt, sugar, plain yogurt, lemon zest, and blueberries

April 17, 2012

Earl grey tea chiffon cake: $16.0 - $20.0 per cake (8 inch)

I always love the smell and the taste of Earl grey tea and would love to put it in any kind of dessert that goes well with the flavor. Cake is a perfect place to use the Earl grey tea.

Instead of making simple chiffon cake today, I added some strawberries between the cake layers and cover the cake with whipped cream. It turned out pretty well. I love the day that ends with a good dessert! :)

The cake with no fruit on top is 16 dollars and the cake with fruit or other decoration on top is 20 dollars.


Cake flour, oil, eggs, sugar, salt, milk, Earl grey tea, heavy whipped cream, lemon juice, and strawberries

April 14, 2012

Taro bread: $12.0 for eight bread

I think I just cannot describe how much I love taro. Light purple is its original color and once you add butter, sugar, and some milk with it, you will have the creamy creamy taro paste! It was just awesome! And this also tells you how much I love this soft soft taro bread!

The only disadvantage is: I cannot get taro in the city I live. I have to drive an hour to go to the oriental market  and get the taro. Otherwise, I am pretty sure I will make this taro bread or use taro in my dessert more often.


Bread flour, whole wheat flour, cake flour, egg, sugar, milk, salt, taro, unsalted butter, whipped cream, flax seed, and yeast

April 10, 2012

Almond shingle cookies: $12.0 for sixteen cookies

Almond shingle cookie is also a pretty common snack in Taiwan and I like the crispiness of this cookie. Compared to other kind  of cookies, I also feel this almond cookie is healthier because 1) there are less sugar and butter and 2) there are many sliced almond, which is one of the most nutritious of all nuts according to the info on the Internet (e.g. almond are low in saturated fat and contain many other nutrients - calcium and magnesium).

These golden crispy cookies taste so good so I just had 2 when they were out from the oven. :P


Cake flour, sliced almond, salt, sugar, egg whites, and unsalted butter

Cranberry banana chiffon cake: $10.0 per cake (8 inch)

I love bananas, especially the really ripe ones. Ripe bananas add the rich sweetness to the cake. Dried cranberries also add the sweetness to the cake and a different texture. I have to say that this is one of the cake I really like. Chiffon cake is so soft and light and I just could not stop eating it. I had close to 1/4 of the cake this afternoon. I didn't feel that guilty as I would to other kind of cake with whipped cream in/on. I really like this cake! I really do!


Cake flour, rice flour, eggs, sugar, salt, unsalted butter, milk, oil, lemon juice, banana, dried and cranberries

April 8, 2012

Loaf bread with raisins and walnuts: $7.0 for one loaf (appox 8*4.5*4.5 inch)

Raisins and walnut are great combination in the bread. Raisins add the natural sweetness whereas chopped walnuts add the crunchiness into the bread and both of them are considered as healthy good food. On top of this, I added balck sesame powder and flax seed to the bread.

The bread smelled so good and was really soft. I love home-made bread. :)


Bread flour, whole wheat flour, egg, sugar, milk, yeast, salt, unsalted butter, black sasame powder, flax seed, raisin, and walnuts

April 1, 2012

List of all items and prices

Below are all the items that can be purchased from my blog (list is in alphabetical order).


Banana Bread     $6.0 for eight bread

Basic white loaf bread     $4.0 for one loaf (approx 8*4.5*4.5 inch)

Dinner rolls with oatmeal and sunflower seeds     $5.5 for eight rolls

Garlic cheesy bread

Loaf bread with bacon and cheese     $8.0 for one loaf (approx 8*4.5*4.5 inch)

Loaf bread with raisins and walnuts     $7.0 for one loaf (approx 8*4.5*4.5 inch)

Sweet corn bread

Taro bread     $12.0 for eight bread


Chocolate cake roll     $12.0 per roll (approx 10 inch long)

Chocolate chiffon cake     $20.0 per cake (8 inch)

Cranberry banana chiffon cake     $10.0 per cake (8 inch)

Earl grey tea chiffon cake     $16.0 -$20.0 per cake (8 inch)

Japanese cheesecake     $16.0 per cake (8 inch)

Strawberry cake roll     $14.0 per roll (approx 10 inch long)

Taro paste cake roll

Taro  pudding cake     $24.0 per cake (8 inch)


Almond shingle cookie     $12.0 for sixteen cookie


Blueberry muffin     $11.0 for six muffins

Chocolate chip banana muffin     $10.0 for six muffins

White chocolate cranberry muffin     $14.0 for eight muffins


123 herbal soap     $3.5 each (approx 3.7 oz)

Honey oatmeal milk soap

House chore soap - coconut oil     $3.0 each (approx 3.7 oz)

Rose milk soap